Project: FoodRem

FoodRem is an Inventory Management System that empowers small food and beverage (F&B) restaurant managers to manage inventory and obtain insights from inventory data. As a restaurant manager, you can easily view and edit your inventory during your daily operations. Utilize FoodRem’s flexible tagging system to help you organize your inventory according to your business needs. Finally, streamline your business decisions by deriving insights from your inventory usage through FoodRem’s statistics – you can keep track of metrics such as food wastage amount if you wish!

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Major Refactoring: Refactor AB3 into FoodRem

    • What it does: Removes all occurrences of AB3. Converts the Person class into an Item class.
    • Justification: This was essential in creating the minimum viable product and laid the groundwork for further extensions.
    • Highlights:
      • The refactoring was a challenging process as the changes must be documented along with the test cases. It was critical to ensure the test cases were still relevant to the Item class rather than Person class.
      • The refactoring meant that all commands of AB3 were extensively modified to suit FoodRem:
        • Command to list all items
        • Command to find an item
        • Command to create a new item
        • Command to edit an existing item
        • Command to delete an item
      • Each Item field has a respective class
        • A class has to be created for each of the following fields: name, quantity, unit, bought date, expiry date, price, and remarks.
        • A validation class was created for each individual field to ensure easy extension.
      • Commands such as the help, exit and reset, commands required minimal changes.
    • Pull requests : Refactoring Person to Item PR#157 Pull Request #157
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  • New Feature: Added the ability to add a remark

    • What it does: Allows the user to add a remark to an item.
    • Justification: This feature improves the user’s experience as they are now able to include notes specific to an item.
    • Pull requests : Add remarks fields and remarks command PR#254 Pull Request #254
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  • New Feature: Add the user interface for tags
    • What it does: Allows the user to view results of tag commands in a beautiful format rather than plain text.
    • Justification: This feature standardises the UI of Items and Tags.
    • The implementation was extended from the current UI of Items which was created by Richard Dominick.
    • Pull requests : Add UI for tags PR#340 Pull Request #340
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  • Enhancements to the help command:

    • Enhanced help command to provide help for individual commands rather than a generic message.
    • Enumeration of CommandWords was done.
    • Pull requests : Modify help command to provide help for each individual command PR#201 Pull Request #201
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  • Enhancements to the inc and dec command:

    • Enhanced inc command and dec command to have optional qty prefix.
    • This was done to make it easier to increment and decrement the quantity of an item.
    • Pull requests : Modify increment and decrement command to have optional qty prefix PR#183 Pull Request #183
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  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:

    • Created the following milestones V1.1, V1.2, V1.3, V1.4
    • These milestones were essential in ensuring the group on track in our tasking.
  • Documentation:

    • User Guide:
      • Add skeleton for the User Guide PR#35 Pull Request #35
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      • Add value preposition of FoodRem in the User Guide PR#147 Pull Request #147
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      • Update Quick Start of User Guide, and reorganise content page PR#141 Pull Request #141
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      • Add documentation for the help feature PR#90 Pull Request #90
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    • Developer Guide:
      • Refactored AB3’s Developer Guide to suit FoodRem. PR#233 Pull Request #233
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      • Added “About FoodRem” section. PR#433 Pull Request #433
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      • Added “How to use the Developer Guide” section. PR#433 Pull Request #433
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      • Added “General Implementation Details” for Item-related features. PR#531 Pull Request #531
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      • Added section on “Incrementing and Decrementing the quantity of an item”. PR#531 Pull Request #531
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      • Added section on “General Features”. PR#531 Pull Request #531
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  • Community:

    • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class:
      • Stats command do not calculate amount wasted by performing qty * price Issue#449 Issue #449
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      • Stats command expiry date do not count items that expire today Issue#448 Issue #448
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      • Stats command fail on FoodRem having less than 3 items Issue#447 Issue #447
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      • Rename tag does not modify tags in items Issue#293 Issue #293
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      • Rename tag to same name is possible Issue#273 Issue #273
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Other PRs:

  • Update AboutUs page PR#14 Pull Request #14
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  • Add skeleton for User Guide PR#35 Pull Request #35
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  • Update aboutUs page to include information about Yi Xian PR#89 Pull Request #89
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  • Update userguide to include help command PR#90 Pull Request #90
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  • Add skeletal PPP PR#91 Pull Request #91
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  • Add skeletal for UC7 and UC8 in PR#92 Pull Request #92
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  • Add image for aboutUs page PR#96 Pull Request #96
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  • Remove boilerplate and update roles in About Us page PR#100 Pull Request #100
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  • Point CI banners to own project and remove traces of AB3 in PR#102 Pull Request #102
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  • Add use case 7, use case 8 and user stories for inventory items PR#129 Pull Request #129
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  • Update Quick Start of User Guide, reorganise content page PR#141 Pull Request #141
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  • Change TYPE to UNIT in PR#145 Pull Request #145
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  • Add value preposition PR#147 Pull Request #147
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  • Refactoring Person to Item 2 PR#157 Pull Request #157
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  • Convert Add command to New command PR#173 Pull Request #173
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  • Rename command word from "delete" to "del" PR#174 Pull Request #174
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  • Modify Find item messages and test to match FoodRem instead of AddressBook PR#175 Pull Request #175
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  • Rename "Clear" to "Reset" PR#176 Pull Request #176
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  • Modify increment and decrement command to have optional qty prefix PR#183 Pull Request #183
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  • Modify help command to provide help for each individual command PR#201 Pull Request #201
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  • Allow easier extension to help command by removing switch case PR#211 Pull Request #211
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  • Update help, edit and delete command PR#212 Pull Request #212
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  • Add price field in item PR#229 Pull Request #229
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  • Move enum package to commons and remove traces of AB-3 from DG PR#233 Pull Request #233
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  • Move enum package to commons and remove traces of AB-3 from DG PR#233 Pull Request #233
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  • Add UML diagram for HelpCommand PR#234 Pull Request #234
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  • Add remarks fields and remarks command PR#254 Pull Request #254
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  • Standardise help command PR#255 Pull Request #255
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  • Add test for Decrement, Increment, View, Sort, Help, Exit and Reset PR#257 Pull Request #257
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  • Improve UG and add remarks and price fields PR#272 Pull Request #272
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  • Fix "Rename tag to same name is possible" bug PR#274 Pull Request #274
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  • Fix index out of bound bug and standardise naming of index across item command PR#282 Pull Request #282
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  • Restructure expiry date and bought date to use singleton design pattern PR#290 Pull Request #290
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  • Fix rename tag not changing tags within items PR#296 Pull Request #296
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  • Fix storage modification causing bugs PR#298 Pull Request #298
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  • Create welcome message for user that shows error if datafile has issue PR#299 Pull Request #299
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  • Show empty FoodRem when data file is corrupted PR#303 Pull Request #303
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  • Add tag related images PR#314 Pull Request #314
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  • Centralise logic for validate string regex PR#316 Pull Request #316
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  • Add remarks to help PR#317 Pull Request #317
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  • Ensure all commands uses a parser PR#329 Pull Request #329
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  • Add UI for tags PR#340 Pull Request #340
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  • Prevent special chars in find command PR#355 Pull Request #355
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  • Modify view command to show error for negative index PR#357 Pull Request #357
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  • Modify price validator to not accept 3.e1 PR#358 Pull Request #358
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  • Update UG PR#359 Pull Request #359
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  • Add storage restriction to items and tags PR#362 Pull Request #362
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  • Apply negative index validation to all commands PR#365 Pull Request #365
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  • Update User Guide to match changes to codebase PR#368 Pull Request #368
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  • Fix date validation PR#370 Pull Request #370
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  • Update find to match new find PR#371 Pull Request #371
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  • Update help command to use ITEM_NAME and TAG_NAME instead of NAME PR#374 Pull Request #374
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  • Fix sorting by name PR#375 Pull Request #375
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  • Set height of text area to be 450 PR#376 Pull Request #376
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  • Add minor changes in the Userguide PR#429 Pull Request #429
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  • Fix broken glossary term for expiry date and broken link for flags PR#432 Pull Request #432
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  • Fix getColor for tags PR#434 Pull Request #434
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  • Use stats parser to restrict command arguments PR#435 Pull Request #435
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  • Ensure we cannot create an item with bought date after expiry date PR#450 Pull Request #450
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  • Fix error message that says "the FoodRem" PR#466 Pull Request #466
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  • Update PPP PR#504 Pull Request #504
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  • Improve code quality PR#517 Pull Request #517
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  • Fix minor errors PR#519 Pull Request #519
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  • Add reposense @@author tag PR#522 Pull Request #522
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  • Fix grammar in DG PR#524 Pull Request #524
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  • Add DG help command sequence diagram and activity diagram PR#527 Pull Request #527
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  • Fix bought date to be in future in test cases PR#465 Pull Request #465
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  • Fix error message that says "the FoodRem" PR#466 Pull Request #466
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  • Update PPP PR#504 Pull Request #504
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  • Improve code quality PR#517 Pull Request #517
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  • Fix minor errors PR#519 Pull Request #519
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  • Add reposense @@author tag PR#522 Pull Request #522
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  • Fix grammar in DG PR#524 Pull Request #524
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  • Add DG help command sequence diagram and activity diagram PR#527 Pull Request #527
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