Project: FoodRem

FoodRem is an Inventory Management System that empowers small food and beverage (F&B) restaurant managers to manage inventory and obtain insights from inventory data. As a restaurant manager, you can easily view and edit your inventory during your daily operations. Utilize FoodRem’s flexible tagging system to help you organize your inventory according to your business needs. Finally, streamline your business decisions by deriving insights from your inventory usage through FoodRem’s statistics – you can keep track of metrics such as food wastage amount if you wish!

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added the ability tag an item

    • What it does: allows the user to tag a valid item with a valid tag ( PR#171 Pull Request #171
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      , PR#172 Pull Request #172
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    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly since a user will be able to tag items with a specific tag for classification purposes. This tag will be unique and can be referenced by any item if the item contains this tag
    • Highlights: This enhancement will allow for better classification and searching for items in other commands. For instance
  • New Feature: Added the ability untag an item ( PR#172 Pull Request #172
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    • What it does: Similar to tag feature, just that items can be untagged if user does not want to use that tag to classify an item anymore.
  • New Feature: Added the ability list all tags ( PR#200 Pull Request #200
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    • What it does: User can call the listtag command to see all the tags that is available
    • Justification: User may not remember what were the tags he has created or deleted, hence will need a way to check
    • Highlights: This feature will be useful when trying to use other tag commands since user can see all the available tags
  • Refactored feature:
    • Refactored the clear command in AB3 to the reset command in FoodRem. This clears all items and tags stored ( PR#160 Pull Request #160
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  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Refactoring done to project packages ( PR#149 Pull Request #149
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    • Team tasks: Creation of issues, completing some weekly team tasks, updating AboutUs ( PR#241 Pull Request #241
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      , PR#22 Pull Request #22
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      , Issue#456 Issue #456
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      , Issue#240 Issue #240
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  • Testing:
    • Wrote some tests for tag features ( PR#235 Pull Request #235
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  • Documentation:

    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for the commands list, find, exit PR#77 Pull Request #77
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      • Add FAQ into UG PR#178 Pull Request #178
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      • Add Command Summary Table PR#152 Pull Request #152
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      • Updating sections and fixing bugs for UG ( PR#261 Pull Request #261
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        , PR#292 Pull Request #292
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        , PR#306 Pull Request #306
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        , PR#420 Pull Request #420
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    • Developer Guide:
      • Added User Stories and Use Cases in DG ( PR#79 Pull Request #79
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        , PR#142 Pull Request #142
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      • Added NFRs in DG PR#57 Pull Request #57
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      • Added implementation details of the newtag and tag feature. ( PR#230 Pull Request #230
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        , PR#464 Pull Request #464
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      • DG User Stories Table PR#419 Pull Request #419
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      • Added Instructions for Manual testing PR#505 Pull Request #505
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      • Added Effort Section PR#503 Pull Request #503
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      • Updating and fixing bugs in DG ( PR#36 Pull Request #36
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        , PR#278 Pull Request #278
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        , PR#281 Pull Request #281
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        , PR#287 Pull Request #287
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        , PR#319 Pull Request #319
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        , PR#334 Pull Request #334
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        , PR#419 Pull Request #419
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        , PR#521 Pull Request #521
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  • Community:

    • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): ( PR#199 Pull Request #199
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      , PR#232 Pull Request #232
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      , PR#143 Pull Request #143
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